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Showing posts from October, 2017

Will Brexit end with a whimper or a bang?

As many commentators agree (including myself  a week after the referendum result), and most recently The Brexit Minister David Davis in front of the Lords Select Committee, the talks on the UK leaving the EU are likely to carry on until the very last minute. Although the UK was never going to be completely satisfied with the outcome of these talks, I have been a little surprised by the unity of the EU27, and by contrast the sheer lack of preparation by the UK government. I would have expected a lot of political infighting by Leavers as their ideal vision of Brexit is shattered, but that hasn’t happened yet simply because the UK government doesn’t have any kind of coherent position to criticise. With the clock running down, as Ian Dunt said in his latest Remainiacs podcast , the number of options is reducing. David Davis still claims to be on track for a comprehensive trade deal to be signed by March 2019 but this claim is so ridiculous that it’s embarrassing. That the Bre...