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Showing posts from March, 2018

There are no 'F's in Brexit Dividend

One of the most galling aspects of Brexit is the realisation of how much politicians lie. This week, there has been a coordinated PR effort amongst Boris Johnson, Jacob Rees-Mogg and Theresa May to talk about the "Brexit Dividend" being used on the NHS. Yet the government's own economic analysis shows that there is no Brexit dividend. Every scenario makes us poorer. There's no f'in Brexit Dividend. Do the politicians really believe their own nonsense, or are they lying? Either option is frankly horrifying. This whole thing really typifies what has gone wrong. Ideology trumps evidence and experts. What is most frightening is that the rot goes all the way up to the Prime Minister herself. It makes absolutely no sense to try to rally the country around a lie, as the lie will eventually be exposed, and the sooner the better.