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Showing posts from January, 2017

What is Chronic Lyme Disease?

Argh, I have Lyme disease! What is it? Lyme disease is a vector-borne bacterial infection, which is typically spread by ticks. Here is one: There is a lot of out of date information about Lyme, for example that ticks are the only carriers, that the tick needs to be attached for a long period of time, that it is geographically limited, that a rash (erithema migrans) is common, that Lyme is easy to diagnose, that blood tests are reliable, that symptoms are mild, and that patients recover well from the recommended antibiotic treatment. Whilst our understanding of Lyme disease has developed, much of this old thinking still persists, resulting in poor diagnoses, and patients being generally under-treated. It is estimated that only around 60% of people with Lyme disease make a full recovery, with the rest experiencing lingering chronic symptoms. "Chronic" Lyme patients are often in very p...

Theresa May's speech

Britain has set sail on the wrong course. Theresa May actually gave a very strong speech today, where she set out the plan for Brexit. She set out in the strongest possible terms that the UK would indeed be leaving the customs union and the single market, yet would seek a trade deal to minimise disruption and maximise trade. I liked her honesty - she sees that remaining in the single market would involve too many compromises. She was wrong that voters went into this with their eyes open. Most voters would have been under the impression that we could maintain similar trade arrangements after Brexit. The crux of the issue is this mythical trade deal that we would get with the EU. In particular, she was optimistically hoping that it could be hammered out within 2 years in order to minimise disruption, however on that point she is utterly mistaken. What we instead have is a massive gamble by Leave that such a deal could be struck, and Leave will be left with their pants down when th...