Britain has set sail on the wrong course.
Theresa May actually gave a very strong speech today, where she set out the plan for Brexit. She set out in the strongest possible terms that the UK would indeed be leaving the customs union and the single market, yet would seek a trade deal to minimise disruption and maximise trade. I liked her honesty - she sees that remaining in the single market would involve too many compromises.
She was wrong that voters went into this with their eyes open. Most voters would have been under the impression that we could maintain similar trade arrangements after Brexit. The crux of the issue is this mythical trade deal that we would get with the EU. In particular, she was optimistically hoping that it could be hammered out within 2 years in order to minimise disruption, however on that point she is utterly mistaken.
What we instead have is a massive gamble by Leave that such a deal could be struck, and Leave will be left with their pants down when the reality hits them in 2 years time. It will take 5-10 years to reach a trade deal with the EU.
I further disliked the threats to the EU, that it was in the EU's interests to strike a trade deal, or else. Remember that it's the UK who are leaving, and the EU is in no obligation to lift a finger to help us.
Finally what I disliked was the idea that all Remainers, and people who scrutinise the government's actions are traitors, because we working against the national interest. The claim that we are all behind Brexit is ludicrous.
Although Mrs May is wrong, I appreciate her honesty and openness. In terms of delivering Brexit, she has clearly stated that we are aiming for a hardish Brexit. I fundamentally disagree with this. Given the closeness of the vote, the mandate is only for an EEA/EFTA style Brexit, and indeed many Leave campaigners were for this. An even more honest approach would be to rip up the referendum result, as I'm sure in the fullness of time it will be seen to be a very bad idea, and Mrs May should have stopped it but didn't. History will condemn her.
This optimism about Britain's new place in the world is misplaced. Britain got lucky with Empire, and made some smart decisions. Brexit isn't a smart decision, and will lead to a less influential and less prosperous Britain. Britain isn't inherently better than any other country, but was punching above its weight due to its strategic alliances, and its influence in the EU, which we are now leaving.
Theresa May actually gave a very strong speech today, where she set out the plan for Brexit. She set out in the strongest possible terms that the UK would indeed be leaving the customs union and the single market, yet would seek a trade deal to minimise disruption and maximise trade. I liked her honesty - she sees that remaining in the single market would involve too many compromises.
She was wrong that voters went into this with their eyes open. Most voters would have been under the impression that we could maintain similar trade arrangements after Brexit. The crux of the issue is this mythical trade deal that we would get with the EU. In particular, she was optimistically hoping that it could be hammered out within 2 years in order to minimise disruption, however on that point she is utterly mistaken.
What we instead have is a massive gamble by Leave that such a deal could be struck, and Leave will be left with their pants down when the reality hits them in 2 years time. It will take 5-10 years to reach a trade deal with the EU.
I further disliked the threats to the EU, that it was in the EU's interests to strike a trade deal, or else. Remember that it's the UK who are leaving, and the EU is in no obligation to lift a finger to help us.
Finally what I disliked was the idea that all Remainers, and people who scrutinise the government's actions are traitors, because we working against the national interest. The claim that we are all behind Brexit is ludicrous.
Although Mrs May is wrong, I appreciate her honesty and openness. In terms of delivering Brexit, she has clearly stated that we are aiming for a hardish Brexit. I fundamentally disagree with this. Given the closeness of the vote, the mandate is only for an EEA/EFTA style Brexit, and indeed many Leave campaigners were for this. An even more honest approach would be to rip up the referendum result, as I'm sure in the fullness of time it will be seen to be a very bad idea, and Mrs May should have stopped it but didn't. History will condemn her.
This optimism about Britain's new place in the world is misplaced. Britain got lucky with Empire, and made some smart decisions. Brexit isn't a smart decision, and will lead to a less influential and less prosperous Britain. Britain isn't inherently better than any other country, but was punching above its weight due to its strategic alliances, and its influence in the EU, which we are now leaving.